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Stephan Fuhrmann

Stephan Fuhrmann is Expert Network Software & CI/CD at IONOS. His responsibilities include the our network software landscape and being a multiplier for Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery at IONOS. He’s interfacing between the network department, software development and operations teams. Stephan is working for IONOS since 2006. He designed and developed many network services that provision the hosting products of IONOS. He studied computer science at Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT).

IONOS Podcast
IONOS Summit: Sandra Sitter

Sandra Sitter spricht über die Sicherheitsrichtlinien NIS2 und DORA, deren Herausforderungen und Umsetzung im Bankwesen sowie die Bedeutung von IT-Sicherheit und digitaler Resilienz.